Sarebbe Statu

16 mars 20:30 | blue Cinema Abaton A


Above the home of the director's grandparents in Italy there’s an apartment that has been started to be built. (If there was a window right here, you would be able to see the sea).What would have happened if the director had grown up there instead of in Switzerland? The director deals with their own South Italian roots, being queer, longings and losses.


Genre Dokumentarfilm
Durée 14:17 min
Audios italien, allemand, suisse allemand
Sous-titres anglais


Director Ella Rocca

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Above the home of the director’s grandparents in Italy there’s an apartment that has been started to be built. (If there was a window right here, you would be able to see the sea).What would have happened if the director had grown up there instead of in Switzerland? The director deals with their own South Italian roots, being queer, longings and losses.