Talent Camp Screening 15 mars, 18h00 | blue Cinema Abaton 4
Section Talent Camp Screening
Les films de ce programme sont réalisés par les participant·e·s du Talent Camp. Ce groupe de vingt jeunes cinéastes et cinéphiles aura la possibilité de visiter notre festival, de participer à des masterclasses et de présenter un film qui sera projeté pendant le Festival Ciné Jeunesse Suisse. À cette occasion, nous présenterons des films venus de toute l’Europe et inviterons tous les cinéastes à une séance de questions-réponses.
Pendant le festival, des vidéos et des photos seront prises. Si tu ne le souhaites pas, merci d'en informer nos photographes. Si tu as des questions, adresse-toi à notre stand d'information ou envoie un e-mail à info@jugendfilmtage.
Pendant le festival, des vidéos et des photos seront prises. Si tu ne le souhaites pas, merci d'en informer nos photographes. Si tu as des questions, adresse-toi à notre stand d'information ou envoie un e-mail à info@jugendfilmtage.
Obtenez vos billets
12:44 min
A. in the quiet of her home recreates recipes. The only ingredients are items listed on receipts she finds. By recreating recipes, she unravels the identities of the receipts’ real owners. She lives their lives by savoring each serving. But one day, she encounters an incomplete receipt.
- Director
- Emilia Czajewska
13:50 min
After experiencing extortion due to a money debt, Janko’s seemingly everyday routine becomes destructive and hopeless. The sound of a football match ceases to be heard, death arrives quietly, with the gentle rustle of freshly cut grass.
CN: gun, violence, self harm
CN: gun, violence, self harm
- Director
- Aleksa Bujišić
13:39 min
When a young photographer, Oliver, takes photos at his sister's dance rehearsal, he's stunned to see a mysterious dancer only visible through the camera lens. Oliver builds a silent bond with Dante through the camera, delving into a mystery that ties them across time..
CN: death, violence, homophobia
CN: death, violence, homophobia
- Director
- Sofia Soto
08:59 min
When death knocks, who opens the door?
CN: suicide (implied)
CN: suicide (implied)
- Director
- Mahdi Hosseingholi & Mojtaba Zarghampour
16:45 min
In order to keep up with her best friend's experiences, Mila throws herself into her first sexual experience with a classmate. But when she realises that she's not ready, it's too late.
CN: sexualized violence
CN: sexualized violence
- Director
- Janina Lutter
A. in the quiet of her home recreates recipes. The only ingredients are items listed on receipts she finds. By recreating recipes, she unravels the identities of the receipts’ real owners. She lives their lives by savoring each serving. But one day, she encounters an incomplete receipt.